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  1. Do I need to have an account to order?

No, you can also place an order as a guest. But, there are some perks if you have an account with us:

  • Quick checkout process
  • Easily view your order status and order history
  • Receive updates detailing our new releases and special promotions
  1. How do I set my shipping address?

Since our website and service are based on English, all the information that you typed in is required to be English input method, including punctuation. If certain letters of your address contain Non-English letters, you are advised to use similar English ones instead. For example, you may change the letter "?" to "c".

  1. Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order has been processed or shipped. Kindly update your shipping address to your residential address instead of your vocational address as we do not know how long the destination's customs department will have the package on hold.

  1. How long does shipping take & how can I track my package?

The delivery time is based on the shipping option that you have chosen. Once the order has shipped, we will email your tracking number and tracking website. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country.

  1. What Do I Do If I Have Missing Items In My Order?

If something is still missing, please contact us immediately at

  1. Sell Out? What If The Item I’m Interested In Is No Longer Available In My Size?

New items can be sold out rather quickly, but we may get more soon! Please contact our customer care department via New items can be sold out rather quickly, but we may get more soon! Please contact our customer care department via email and we will do our best to notify you if the item becomes available again. Please include the best email address for reaching you when the item becomes available.

  1. What Should Do If The Size On The Tag Is Different From What I Ordered?

The size show on the website will be converted into international size before products are put on sale, which is standard and regular. Therefore, if you find that the size you get is not the same as shown on the website, don’t panic and worry. That size we sent you is right. Put them on first and see how it turns out. If they don't fit you well, you could return them definitely. (Please check our return policy)

  1. Why The Color Of Received Clothing Is A Little Different From What I Saw Online?

The camera's perspective and the extent of lighting may cause a little color difference. Hope you could understand. If it does not affect the appearance and mood about your favorite clothing, we hope you can keep clothing. We will give you a promotion code as compensation for future purchases. However, we will try our best to avoid the matter happens.

  1. Any Store Locations?

We just do the business online.

  1. How Do I Use A Discount Code ?

If you have a discount coupon, when you go to the “check out” page, you may find an option where you need to input the number, that’s how you use it.

  1. Not Be Sure About A Size Or Have A Fit Question. How Do I Find This Information?

Please see our Size Guide for general information on sizing. If you still have specific questions about a fit of an item or measurement guidelines, please email our Customer Service Department ( ).

  1. Why Was My Order Canceled?

Due to an unforeseen event, the item you ordered suddenly became out of stock and is no longer available. We promise these cases are rare. However, if an item in your order does become unavailable, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours about the cancellation. If your order contains additional items, these items will still be shipped to you and the unavailable item will be removed from your order for a refund.

  1. Need To Change Something On My Order, How Can I Do That?

If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately. We process and ship orders quickly (we’re fast!). Once the parcel was processed and sent to the post office, we will be unable to make any changes.

  1. Can I Get More Information On A Product ?

We try to publish as much useful info as we can about all our products, to help you buy the things that will suit you best.

The product page for every item includes sizing, a detailed description, care instructions, and most importantly, plenty of images.

If there is anything further information you feel we need to put on there to help you, just let us know what information you'd like to see and we'll do our best to include it.

  1. Any Catalogs That I Can Buy From ?

With over so many new items every week, and hundreds of items on the site at any one time, plus constantly changing fashion news, trend features and advice, it would simply be impossible for a paper catalogue to keep up. Instead we prefer to focus our energy on providing our customers with a website where you can buy what you want when you want, 24 hours, 7 days a week and we believe that the images and catwalk give you a much more realistic view of the items you want.


  1. How Do I Pay For My Order ?

We like to give you plenty of payment options: we accept VISA, Mastercard and PayPal as our secure payment method which accepts all kinds of credit or debit cards. We also take security very seriously indeed, so your details will be safe with us.

All credit and debit card holders are subject to validation and authorization by both us and the card issuer, to maintain security and prevent fraud.

  1. Is It Safe To Use My Credit Card On The Website ?

When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into an SSL secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider's network, where your card and transaction is authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.

  1. Are there any exchange rates?

All of our transactions are based in US Dollars. If your credit card is based in another currency, your order total will be calculated in accordance with the daily exchange rate of the date your card issuer processes the transaction.


  1. Are there any tax in the process of purchase?

The expense of our goods all include the tax, so you needn't pay extra tax any more.


If you still have any question, please contact us directly at




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